Saturday, January 25, 2014


If u
Believe in God,
Love your children,
Thank your parents,
Listen to friends,
Believe in your life partner,
Love your food,
Like nature,
Smile heartily,
Enjoy holidays,
Spend money,
Earn enough and
Use the "FaceBook"...
It means your life is at its fullest!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fun simile!


Many a times, especially parents with kids,tend to say "......  is like Walking on a tight rope", here are some fun, day to day similes.. Go on, to add up some!!

1.     Hiding a chocolate from a child(mine, especially)!
2.     Expecting Husband to wake up early on a Sunday!!
3.     Picking one flavor from a variety of desserts!
4.     Children giving up cartoons for a serial!
5.     Never a drop of milk(to the least) spilt!
6.     Trying to be awake between 5-6 a.m, during a long drive!
7.     A teen picking a right attire in a short time!

Friday, January 10, 2014

I too am in love!( not the Tamil cinema way!!)

I never flew through the clouds in glee,
Rain did drench me, fire always hurt me..
Hunger always stroke me, and food was in taste!
I never danced on flowers, nor did an Orange I waste..
Friends never became enemies,
parents never became dummies!!
I never wore glossy attires, different through the year round..
I never got breaks, to sing in a place, trees around..
I didn't grow younger as days went,
The World wasn't in melancholy, when i was in torment..
For my love ain't solely, purely epic,
it is truly, wholly like a wick
the beacon of satisfaction
which hopes to enlighten a generation
The love of a life is far beyond words or things or places,
It is the silent "handshake of hearts",
an understanding of flaws, rejoicing of goodwill,
and a promise of belief!!
So, I too am in love, i believe!!